S군의 화폐박물관

[호주 화폐]

Australia 10 Dollars [1966]


Francis Greenway at right, village scene at center.

(프랜시스 그린웨이, 그가 설계한 건물의 모습)


Henry Lawson and buildings.

(헨리 로슨, 당시 노동자 계층의 생활 모습)


10 Dollars


155 x 76

a. Signature H. C. Coombs and R. Wilson. (1966).

b. Signature H. G. Coombs and R. J. Randall. (1967).

c. Signature J. G. Phillips and R. J. Randall. (1968).

d. Signature J. G. Phillips and F. H. Wheeler. (1972).

s1. As a. Specimen in oval each side.

s2. As b. Specimen eight time each side.

s3. As c. Specimen twice diagonally each side.

ar. As a, serial # suffix *, replacement.

br. As b, serial # suffix *, replacement.

cr. As c, serial # suffix *, replacement.

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