S군의 화폐박물관

[호주 화폐]

Australia 2 Dollars [1966]


John MacArthur at right, sheep at center

(존 맥아더, 양)


William Farrer at left, wheat at center.

(윌리엄 제임스 패러, 밀)


2 Dollars


145 x 71

a. Signature H. C. Coombs and R. Wilson. (1966).

b. Signature H. C. Coombs and R. J. Randall. (1967).

c. Signature J. G. Phillips and R. J. Randall. (1968).

d. Signature J. G. Phillips and F. H. Wheeler. (1972).

s1. As a. Specimen.

ar. As a, serial # suffix *, replacement.

br. As b, serial # suffix *, replacement.

cr. As c, serial # suffix *, replacement.

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