S군의 화폐박물관

[호주 화폐]

Australia 20 Dollars [1966]


Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith at right.

(찰스 킹스포드 스미스, 비행을 형상화한 모습)


Lawrence Hargrave at left, aeronautical devices.

(로렌스 하그레이브, 그가 설계한 단엽기의 모습)


20 Dollars


160 x 81

a. Signature H. C. Coombs and R. Wilson. (1966).

b. Signature H. G. Coombs and R. J. Randall. (1968).

c. Signature J. G. Phillips and R. J. Randall. (1968).

d. Signature J. G. Phillips and F. H. Wheeler. (1972).

s1. As a. Specimen in oval each side.

s2. As b. Specimen eight times each side.

s3. As c. Specimen twice diagonally each side.

cr. As c, serial # suffix *, replacement.

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