S군의 화폐박물관

[호주 화폐]

Australia 1 Dollar [1966]


Queen Elizabeth II.

(엘리자베스 2세, 국가 문장)


Stylized aboriginal figures and animals.

(캥거루, 원주민 등이 그려진 동국 벽화)


1 Dollar


140 x 70

a. Signature H. C. Coombs and R. Wilson. (1966).

b. Signature H. C. Coombs and R. J. Randall. (1968).

c. Signature J. G. Phillips and R. J. Randall. (1969).

d. Signature J. G. Phillips and F. H. Wheeler. (1972).

s1. Specimen in oval on each side.

s2. Specimen eight times each side.

s3. Specimen twice diagonally each side.

ar. As a, serial # suffix *, replacement.

br. As b, serial # suffix *, replacement.

cr. As c, serial # suffix *, replacement.

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