[대한민국 화폐] South Korea 5,000 Won [1977] Yi I at right.(율곡 이이 초상) Ojukon, birthplace of Yi I.(오죽현) 액면5,000 Won 크기167 x 77
[대한민국 화폐] South Korea 1,000 Won [1975] Yi Hwang at right.(퇴계 이황 초상) Toansowon Academy at center.(도산서원) 액면1,000 Won 크기167 x 73
[대한민국 화폐] South Korea 500 Won [1973] Admiral Yi Sun-shin at left, medieval turtle warship at center.(이순신 초상) Building with steps.(현충사) 액면500 Won 크기159 x 69
[대한민국 화폐] South Korea 10,000 Won [1973] King Sejong the Great at left center.(세종대왕 초상) Buildings and pavilion.(경복궁 근정전) 액면10,000 Won 크기171 x 81
[대한민국 화폐] South Korea 5,000 Won [1972] Yi I at right.(율곡 이이 초상) Large building.(한국은행 본점) 액면5,000 Won 크기167 x 77
[대한민국 화폐] South Korea 50 Won [1969] Pavilion at left.(탑골 공원 팔각정) Blue. Torch at center.(봉화, 무궁화) 액면50 Won 크기149 x 64 a. Issued note.s. Specimen.
[대한민국 화폐] South Korea 500 Won [1966] City gate at left.(남대문) Medieval turtle warships.(거북선) 액면500 Won 크기165 x 73 a. Issued note.s. Specimen.
[대한민국 화폐] South Korea 100 Won [1965] King Sejong the Great at right.(세종대왕 초상) Building.(한국은행 본점) 액면100 Won 크기156 x 66
[대한민국 화폐] South Korea 500 Won [1962] Pagoda portal at left.(남대문) Torch at center.(성화) 액면500 Won 크기156 x 66 a. Issued note.s. Specimen.
[대한민국 화폐] South Korea 100 Won [1962] Archway at left.(독립문) Torch at center.(성화) 액면100 Won 크기156 x 66 a. Issued note.s. Specimen.