[북한 화폐] North Korea 5,000 Won [2002] Kim II Sung at right center with Seibold's magnolia wreath at right.(김일성 얼굴, 목련) Birthplace of Kim II Sung in Mangyongdae.(김일성 생가인 만경대) 액면5,000 Won 크기145 x 65 a. Issued note.s. Specimen. Red overprint.
[북한 화폐] North Korea 2,000 Won [2002] Cabin birthplace of Kim Hong II and Jong II peak.(김홍일과 김정일이 태어났다던 귀틀집과 정일봉) Forest and Baekdu Mountains.(백두산) 액면2,000 Won 크기145 x 65 a. Issued note.s. Specimen. Red overprint.
[북한 화폐] North Korea 1,000 Won [2002] Birthplace of Kim Jong Suk in Hoeryong.(회령에 있는 김정숙 생가) Birch tree forest along Lake Samji.(백두산을 배경으로 김일성과 김정일이 함께 사진을 찍었던 삼지연못가) 액면1,000 Won 크기145 x 65 a. Issued note.s. Specimen. Red overprint.
[북한 화폐] North Korea 500 Won [2002] Arch of Triumph.(개선문) Value at center.(액면) 액면500 Won 크기145 x 65 -
[북한 화폐] North Korea 200 Won [2002] Equestrian statue at center.(천리마 동상) Value at center.(액면) 액면200 Won 크기145 x 65 -
[북한 화폐] North Korea 100 Won [2002] Seibold magnolia at center.(목란꽃) Value at center.(액면) 액면100 Won 크기145 x 65 -
[북한 화폐] North Korea 50 Won [2002] Man in suit, man in overalls, female at right center.(공인, 농민, 노동지식인) Party Foundation Monument in Pyongyang.(3대 혁명 기념탑) 액면50 Won 크기145 x 65 -
[북한 화폐] North Korea 10 Won [2002] Pilot, sailor and solder at right center.(육해공 군인) Military statue group.(전승기념탑) 액면10 Won 크기145 x 65 -
[북한 화폐] North Korea 5 Won [2002] Man with glasses, boy with cap at right center.(과학자와 대학생) Dam.(수력발전소) 액면5 Won 크기145 x 65 -
[대한민국 화폐] South Korea 50,000 Won [2009] Shin Saim-dang at at right.(신사임당 초상) Painting of Bamboo and Apricot trees.(월매도, 풍죽도) 액면50,000 Won 크기154 x 68