S군의 화폐박물관

[볼리비아 화폐]

Bolivia 100 Pesos Bolivianos [1962]


Portrait Simón Bolívar at right.

(시몬 볼리바르의 얼굴)


Darker red. Engraved, scene of the declaration of the Bolivian Republic.

(볼리비아의 독립을 선언하는 모습)


100 Pesos Bolivianos


- x -

a. Back dull red, lithographed with poor detail. Black serial #. 
security thread. Prefixes #10E-13D. 2 signature varieties.
b. As a. but with solid black security thread.
c. As a. but with segmented security thread.
r. Unsigned remainder. Prefix #12H.
s. Specimen with red overprint: SPECIMEN. Prefix #10E.

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