S군의 화폐박물관

[볼리비아 화폐]

Bolivia 50 Pesos Bolivianos [1962]


Portrait Antonio Jose de Sucre at right, arms at left.

(안토니오 호에스 수크레의 얼굴)


Puerta del Sol, old and new denomination at bottom.

(티아우아나쿠 지방에 있는 푸에르타 델 솔(태양의 문) 유적)


50 Pesos Bolivianos


- x -

a. Issued note.
b. Uncut sheet of 4 signed notes. Series L2, Y2.
r. Uncut sheet of 4 unsigned notes. Series AZ.
s1. Specimen with red overprint: SPECIMEN. Series F; X; D1.
s2. As s1 but with punched hole cancellation (in left signature area) and 
TDLR oval stamp. Series C.
bx. Uncut sheet of 4 notes with signature at top of notes. Series L2; Y2. 

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