[아르헨티나 화폐] Argentina 100 Pesos [1976] Portrait of elderly General José de San Martín not in uniform at right.(산 마르틴의 얼굴) Coastline at Ushuaia at center.(우수아이아 해안) 액면100 Pesos 크기- X - a. Without colored threads in paper. 2 signature varieties.b. Colored threads in paper. 2 signature varieties.
[아르헨티나 화폐] Argentina 50 Pesos [1976] Portrait of elderly General José de San Martín not in uniform at right.(산 마르틴의 얼굴) Hot springs at Jujuy at center.(후후이 온천) 액면50 Pesos 크기- X - a. Without colored threads in paper.b. Colored threads in paper.
[아르헨티나 화폐] Argentina 10 Pesos [1976] Portrait of elderly General José de San Martín not in uniform at right.(고령이 된 호세 데 산 마르틴의 얼굴) Waterfalls at Iguazu at center.(이과수 폭포) 액면10 Pesos 크기- X - -
[아르헨티나 화폐] Argentina 1,000 Pesos [1973] Portrait of elderly General José de San Martín not in uniform at right.(산 마르틴의 얼굴) Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires at center.(부에노스아이레스에 있는 5월 광장) 액면1,000 Pesos 크기- X - -
[아르헨티나 화폐] Argentina 500 Pesos [1974] Portrait of elderly General José de San Martín not in uniform at right.(산 마르틴의 얼굴) Army monument at Mendoza at center.(멘도사에 있는 육군기념물) 액면500 Pesos 크기- X - a. Signature titles: C. b. Signature titles: F. c. Signature titles : I.
[아르헨티나 화폐] Argentina 100 Pesos [1973] Portrait of elderly General José de San Martín not in uniform at right.(산 마르틴의 얼굴) Coastline at Ushuaia at center.(우수아이아 해안) 액면100 Pesos 크기- X - -
[아르헨티나 화폐] Argentina 50 Pesos [1974] Portrait of elderly General José de San Martín not in uniform at right.(산 마르틴의 얼굴) Hot springs at Jujuy at center.(후후이 온천) 액면50 Pesos 크기- X - -
[아르헨티나 화폐] Argentina 10 Pesos [1973] Portrait of elderly General José de San Martín not in uniform at right.(고령이 된 호세 데 산 마르틴의 얼굴) Waterfalls at Iguazu at center.(이과수 폭포) 액면10 Pesos 크기- X - -
[아르헨티나 화폐] Argentina 5 Pesos [1974] Portrait of elderly General José de San Martín not in uniform at right.(고령이 된 호세 데 산 마르틴의 얼굴) Monument to the Flag at Rosario at center.(로사리오에 있는 국가기념관) 액면5 Pesos 크기- X - -
[아르헨티나 화폐] Argentina 1 Peso [1974] General Manuel Belgrano at right.(마누엘 벨그라노의 얼굴) Scene of Bariloche-Llao- Llao at center.(바릴로체 샤오샤오의 풍경) 액면1 Peso 크기- X - -