S군의 화폐박물관

[캐나다 화폐]

Canada 50 Dollars [2004]


William Lyon MacKenzie King at left.

(윌리엄 리온 맥켄지 킹과 피스 타워의 모습)


Accomplishments of the Famous Five and Thérèse Casgrain.

(유명한 다섯 명의 여성(Emily Murphy, Henrietta Muir Edwards, Louise McKinney, Irene Parlby and Nellie McClung.)


50 Dollars


152 x 69





a. 2004/2004. Signature Jenkins-Dodge.
b. 2004/2006. Signature Jenkins-Dodge.
c. 2004/2008. Signature Jenkins-Carney.
d. 2004/2011. Signature Maclem and Carney.

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