[지폐][2001년] 필리핀 100 페소 [P194]
[필리핀 화폐] Philippines 100 Piso [2001] President M. Roxas at left center, USA and Philippine flags at right.(마누엘 아쿠냐 로하스, 미국기, 필리핀기의 모습) New Central Bank complex at left center with old building facade above.(필리핀 중앙은행) 액면100 Piso 크기160 x 65 a. 2001; 2002; 2003; 2004. Signature 16, 17.b. 2005; 2006; 2007; 2008 (wide and narrow date); 2009; 2010; 2010A. Signature 18.c. 2005. Signature 18. Signature ..