S군의 화폐박물관

[짐바브웨 화폐]

Zimbabwe 20,000 Dollars [2004]



(짐바브웨 국가 로고)





20,000 Dollars


- x -

a. Signature 4. Redemption date: 31.1.2004. Without RZB in watermark. 
Serial # prefix: J.
b. Signature 4. Redemption date: 30.6.2004. Without RZB in watermark. 
Serial # prefix: K-L.
c. Signature 5. Redemption date: 31.12.2004. Without RZB in watermark. 
Serial # prefix: AA.
d. Signature 5. Redemption date: 31.12.2004. GOVERNOR with RZB in 
watermark. Serial # prefix AA.
e. Signature 5. Redemption date: 31.12.2004. GOVERNOR / DR. G. 
GONO. with RZB in watermark.

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