S군의 화폐박물관

[바하바 화폐]

Bahamas 1 Dollar [1992]

Quincentennial of First Landfall by Christopher Columbus.

(크리스토퍼 콜롬버스 신대륙 발견 500주년 기념)


Commercial seal at left, bust of Christopher Columbus right with compass face behind.

(크리스토퍼 콜럼버스의 모습, 나침반)


Flamingos, rose-throated parrots, lizard, islands, ships across back with arms at lower right.

(홍학 무리, 앵무새, 도마벰, 섬, 배들)


1 Dollar


156 x 67

a. Issued note.
s. Specimen.

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