S군의 화폐박물관

[호주 화폐]

Australia 5 Dollars [1995]


Queen Elizabeth II.

(엘리자베스 2세의 얼굴, 유카리나무의 줄기)


Black on lilac and umlticolor underprint. Old and new Parliament Houses in Canberra at center, 

gum flower OVD at lower right.

(신, 구 의사당 전경, 신 의사당의 평면도)


5 Dollars


130 x 65

a. With 4 diagonal white lines in orientation band at lower left signature B. 

W. Fraser and E. A. Evans. (1995-96).

b. As a, but with 11 diagonal white lines in orientation band at lower left

Plate error. (1995).

c. Signature I. Macfarlane and E. A. Evans. (1996-98) 2002-03.

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