S군의 화폐박물관

[호주 화폐]

Australia 5 Dollars [1974]


Sir Joseph Banks at right, plants at center.

(조셉 뱅크스, 다양한 식물들)


Caroline Chisholm, ship, buildings, and women.

(캐롤린 치점, 이주민 가정의 모습)


5 Dollars


152 x 76

a. Signature J. G. Phillips and F. H. Wheeler. (1974).

b1. H.M. Knight and F.H. Wheeler. Centre metal thread.

b2. H.M. Knight and F.H. Wheeler. Side metal thread.

b3. H.M. Knight and F.H. Wheeler. Ocrb (last type) serials.

c. Signature H. M. Knight and J. Stone. (1979).

d. Signature R. A. Johnston and J. Stone. (1983).

e. Signature R. A. Johnston and B. W. Fraser. (1985). 2 serial # varieties.

f. Signature B. W. Fraser and C. I. Higgins. (1990).

g. Signature B. W. Fraser and A. S. Cole. (1991).

s1. As a. Specimen twice diagonally each side.

s2. As b1. Specimen twice diagonally each side.

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